“Society 5.0” - What will happen to people with no bank accounts?

In recent years, financial innovation called “FinTech” is proceeding in both developing and developed countries. This is because demands for financial services are expanding, due to the increase use of e-commerce and sharing economy.

Compared to other developed countries, Japan is behind on cashless.
This is because Japan has high trust on paper moneys, ATMs are convenient, and also, it is expensive for retailers to take in those high technological machines for cashless payments.

There were no data online that said anything about the question, “What will happen to people with no bank accounts”, but it is easy to estimate that if society 5.0 were to occur the way governments has been saying, people will no bank accounts will struggle to have their ordinary life, especially for purchasing something.

Written by A.O.

Society 5.0 に向けた行動変化. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://www5.cao.go.jp/j-j/wp/wp-je18/pdf/all_03.pdf

