“Society 5.0”- What will happen to allowances?

When eveything becomes cashless, how will parents give their child allowances?
Following options are something that has already been taken as a method to give their child allowances in Japan.

Option 1: LINE PAY
When a child starts to go to elementary, there are many occasions where parents give money to a child, and it gets bit tiring when you have to do it eveytime. As a solution, they made LINE PAY cards. All you have to do is send money through LINE, and that is it. 

Option 2 : Transportation IC
When a family started to give their son allowances, he used all the money without a plan. In order to keep track, parents decided to give allowances by charging it to his transportation IC so that they can check online what he had purchased. This is inconvenient in a way that some stores does not allow transportation IC payments, but it was a good education on a child to teach how to use money wisely.

Written by A.O

子供のお小遣いもキャッシュレスの時代に・・親の本音とは. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://financial-field.com/household/2019/05/05/entry-42884
子供のお小遣いもキャッシュレス!LINE PAYで現金手渡しから解放されました. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://www.excite.co.jp/news/article/E1538731494441/

