What is “Society 5.0”?

What is Society 5.0?
According to the Cabinet Office, it is "A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space”. 
Some people call it “a super-smart society”.

Society 1.0- hunting society
Society 2.0- agricultural society
Society 3.0-industrial society
Society 4.0-information society
Society 5.0- super-smart society 

What changes would be made from society 4.0?
1. Knowledge and informations that’s not being shared widely will be shared by IoT, and new value will be born
2. Social issues such as aging society and depopulation in rural areas will be overcome.
3. Overflow of information that is unorganized will get organized by AI
4. Works that humans could not do or was hard for humans to do will be accomplished by the help of robots

It is said to bring comfort, vitality, high-quality lives that is organized by AIs, IoT, and robots, which is all computer based product, what we used to call “high tech”.

Written by A.O


Society 5.0 (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/english/society5_0/index.html

Society 5.0. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://www.gov-online.go.jp/cam/s5/eng/

