What’s voice of “cashless users”?
Person A: Cashless payments are really convenient! By quitting to carry around wallet and cash, the way I use money totally changed! Not being able to use cash easily made me to think the purpose of using money.
Person B: When used properly, you can get many benefits than just buying stuff with cash.
Person C: When I’m at the register, I sometimes become self-satisfied for being so speedy and smart!
Person D: When I use payments that uses smartphone, you can check from apps what I’m buying、its like a house hold account book!
Person E: Merits you can get from cashless is that there are no handling charge.
Written by A.O.
財布はもう必要ない!?キャッシュレス化で財布を持たない人たちが増えている. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2155978360309991001
Person B: When used properly, you can get many benefits than just buying stuff with cash.
Person C: When I’m at the register, I sometimes become self-satisfied for being so speedy and smart!
Person D: When I use payments that uses smartphone, you can check from apps what I’m buying、its like a house hold account book!
Person E: Merits you can get from cashless is that there are no handling charge.
Written by A.O.
財布はもう必要ない!?キャッシュレス化で財布を持たない人たちが増えている. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2019, from https://matome.naver.jp/odai/2155978360309991001